139![[Music] Tiwa Savage – Owo Mi Da - Sweetloaded Tiwa Savage – Owo Mi Da]()
![[Music] Tiwa Savage – Owo Mi Da - Sweetloaded Tiwa Savage – Owo Mi Da](https://sweetloaded.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Tiwa-Savage-Owo-Mi-Da.jpg)
Tiwa Savage – Owo Mi Da
Tiwa Savage – Owo Mi Da
As promised, African bad girl, Tiwa Savagehas released her new catchy single titled “Owo Mi Da“, co-written by Olamide.
The Pheelz-produced record, “Owo Mi Da” has a unique sound which will certainly dominates the airwaves. It serves as a follow-up to her recent entry, ‘49-99‘.
Notwithstanding the controversy surrounding her, Tiwa Savage has chosen to focus on her career as she builds up her forthcoming body of work expected next year.